Monday, January 1, 2018


Over the last year our group blog did really well, far beyond anything I expected when we were first started writing. Out of that blog grew a desire in me to begin writing again, and so I began this blog. When I started it, I had a plan, it was a very good plan, at least I think so, but I failed to foresee the hectic chaos the fall would bring to my life. I was busy with work, busy with school, and busy getting everything wrapped up in my divorce; this blog was always on my mind, but there was nothing else in terms of what to write, or the time to write it.

As a new year begins, I don't know that my life is all that much less busy. At the moment I'm not in class, but I have to review/learn all the stuff from Hebrew that I didn't learn in the fall. I'm getting ready to make some changes to my work schedule that are going to take away a good chunk of my mornings, and I'm trying to plan and prepare for the not too distant future and the changes that are going to have to take place before my oldest daughter starts school. And then there is this blog. I like writing, I like putting words to my thoughts, and I'm amazed that there are people out there that care enough to read what I have to say.

As I've been trying to contemplate this, the thought that has kept coming to my mind is to tell my story. For the past two years I've been working through a lot; learning a lot about who I am, and striving to become who God has called me to be. I've felt that I should share some of the stuff
I've recorded, some of the stuff I'm working through, some of the stuff that has impacted me from the past, and some of the lighter stuff, (like "Things I can't believe I've had to say as a parent") and just kind of see what happens.

So as 2018 begins I'm hoping to write more consistently, be more intentional about my own journey, and share my story to encourage others.

Fight the lion, 1 Peter 5.1-11


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