Monday, March 5, 2018

Where to Now?

During the closing months of 2017 when I was seeking direction for where to take this blog, I had some ideas, none of which have panned out as I thought. As I was wrapping up the series on Vision Quest 2016, getting ready for the Vision Quest 2017 posts, I thought God was leading me to share some of the healing I have pursued as a result of spending time in the woods. This past week, however, God changed all of that.

Last year I began to re-think the concept of a life verse, you can read more of my thoughts on this at:

I have spent this year studying 1 Peter 5.1-11, I'm in verse 9 at the moment. I have been reading through it, and making observations on a phrase by phrase basis, thus why after two months I've only studied eight verses. I had planned at some point to write on this, but only after I had thoroughly studied. My plan is to finish with initial observations, then go back and study it with a commentary, and after that, study it again in the original language, followed by a final overview observation on my own. At that point I would share what I had learned, after I had exhausted the text, but it appears that God has other plans.

Beginning Wednesday, I'm going to begin writing on my initial observations of my life verse. In some ways this is good, this week, and to an extent next week, is going to absolutely crazy for me. I am expecting work at least 60 hours, and on top of that I have school, and a side project I'm working on with for the other blog, Pr. 18.24, with Jeremy (part of which we get to completely redo because our blog somehow deleted a draft we had completed). But I'm committed to three posts a week here, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and so I'm preparing for a week or two of even less sleep. Sounds fun.

That's where we're off to now, and after that, we'll see where God leads.

Fight the lion, 1 Peter 5.1-11


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