Friday, April 20, 2018


1 Peter 5.3 is the concluding statement of the sentence that begins in verse 1. This sentence speaks to leaders, encouraging them to embrace the call of God, and focusing on what leadership is about. This final statement focuses on the fact that leaders are to serve and model.

The sentence begins by addressing the author's own failure and unworthiness to lead; he witnessed the suffering of Christ is the most raw way possible, denial in the most desperate hour. However, he goes on to point out that this moment did not disqualify him from serving God, and he is still able to care for the flock because of God's grace. Christ can bring restoration, and a leader is to model that restoration.

The next phrase focuses what, how, and why a leader is to lead. A leader cares for the flock, serving them, by offering protection and nurturing care. He does not force his plans or will upon them, but seeks to understand their needs and meet them. He creates a safe environment for them grow and live. He doesn't do this to advance himself, but to better the lives of those entrusted to him, following the calling of God to lead those under his care.

All of this is summed up in the final statement. A leader is have the proper attitude, his work is to be done as he waits for the return of Christ, and ultimately he is to do what he does to raise up disciples. The role of a leader is to teach others to lead. He creates an environment for them to learn their skills and passions, a place where they can dream, and then he shows them how to pursue those dreams. He teaches them about failure from personal experience, but also about healing and redemption. He instructs them in the attitude they are to have, and the view they are to embrace of themselves and others. But this goes beyond words, it is a message that they witness daily, the words come as explanation of action. He models Christ so that others may pursue Christlikeness.

Ultimately, leadership is about others. Leaders do not possess power over people, but for people. Leadership is about teaching from experience, helping others avoid your failures and learning from their own. It is about giving them a visual example to imitate, not simply words to ignore. It is about helping others become who they created be.

Fight the lion, 1 Peter 5.1-11


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