Monday, April 2, 2018

God's Will

"shepherd the flock of God among you, exercising oversight not under compulsion, but voluntarily, according to the will of God; and not for sordid gain, but with eagerness" -1 Peter 5.2

The role of a leader is to provide care and protection for those God has entrusted to their care. God has called leaders to this role, but a leader is not to undertake this take reluctantly, or under a sense of obligation. To be called to lead is a heavy responsibility, but it is also a huge blessing, and when God calls a leader, they are to voluntarily embrace the call of God. It is the will of God for leaders to lead, and that calling must be undertaken with willing obedience.

As I read this section, my mind went back to two Old Testament leaders, Samuel and Saul. Samuel was a miracle child, a gift of God to a barren women who pleaded with God for a child. Out of gratitude, his mother dedicated him to the service of God. When Samuel is lying down in the temple where the Ark of God was kept, they symbol of God's presence, and he hears his name called in the night he eagerly runs to Eli, the priest, thinking that he has summoned him. After this happens multiple times, Eli tells Samuel that God is speaking to him, and that if he hears his name again he is to respond, "Speak, Lord, for Your servant is listening." When God calls Samuel again, this is his response. (1 Samuel 1 and 3)

Samuel serves as a prophet, and as he grows older, he appoints his sons as judges over Israel. They did not follow his model of faithfulness, and the people cry out for a king. God grants their request, Saul is chosen, but when it comes time to publicly announce the king, he is no where to be found. Later, he is discovered hiding among the baggage, unwilling to take on the responsibility God has given him. (1 Samuel 8 and 10)

God called two men to lead, one responded to call willingly, obeying the will of God, and faithfully led the nation. The other tried to hide from his responsibility, taking the role only when it was forced upon him, and he went on to abuse his power, disobey God, and fail in his role.

Leaders are called to lead, it is a privilege and while it may be an intimidating task, the will of God needs to be followed, not under reluctant compulsion, but voluntary obedience.

Fight the lion, 1 Peter 5.1-11


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