Friday, April 13, 2018

Loyalty and Love

"nor yet as lording it over those allotted to your charge, but proving to be examples to the flock." -1 Peter 5.3

Peter has talked about what a leader is to do, and the attitude a leader is to have as they lead, and here in verse 3 he provides a warning for leaders to take heed of. Leadership is, by nature, a position of power. Leaders have influence over people and there have been numerous leaders who have abused their influence and power. They use their position to dominate the people, secure comfort and pleasure for themselves, or impose their own will on those they lead. Peter warns a leader that this is not to be the course they follow.

Leadership is not about personal gain, and it is not about dominating those you lead. Leaders are not called to be dictators, imposing their will at the expense of the people, but they are to serve the people, sacrificing themselves for the betterment of those they lead. Leadership is not about taking advantage of the people, but giving of yourself for the people.

The best leaders are those who listen to their people, and then act in the best interest of the people. A leader does not give the people everything they want exactly as they want it, but he listens to their concerns and acts in their best interest. A leader does not impose his will at the expense of the people, but acts to better their lives.

Leadership is not about the leader, but about those who are being led. A leader is serve, not be served. A leader does not lord his power, position, or preferences over those allotted to his charge, but always acts in their best interest to provide for, and protect, them. A leader who does that will have the loyalty and love of his people.

Fight the lion, 1 Peter 5.1-11


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