Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Servant Leader

"nor yet as lording it over those allotted to your charge, but proving to be examples to the flock." -1 Peter 5.3

A leader is not above his people, but is to be leading servant.

"But Jesus called them to Himself and said, 'You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their great men exercise authority over them. It is not this way among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant, and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be your slave; just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.'” (Matthew 20.25-28)

A leader is put in place to serve. His position of authority does not give him the right to force his opinions or desires over others, but to listen and make the decision that is best for the people. A leader is to set an example for others to follow; his life is to be one that models excellence.

A leader must be the first one to work, never be afraid to get their hands dirty (honestly dirty from a hard days work), and refuse to ask, or order, anyone to do something they are unwilling to do themselves. A leader is the one who gets a basin and a towel to wash the feet of others, rather than reclining to wait for his own feet to be washed. Leaders serve first and eat last. Leaders lead from the front, taking the risks to protect their people, they don't sit at home and allow others to fight their battles for them.

A leader uses his influence to improve the lives of others, and his position to model how life should be lived. A leader is first and foremost a servant.

This is the example of Christ, and the example set by other leaders who have had the love and loyalty of their people. A leader who is unwilling to listen to the needs and desires of his people is not fit to lead. A leader who's life is an embarrassment to those he leads is unworthy of his position. A leader is to serve; this was not just the message of Christ, but His example as well. Peter learned leadership from Jesus, and it is from that example he writes.

Leaders listen, leaders model, leaders serve.

Fight the lion, 1 Peter 5.1-11


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