Friday, November 23, 2018

Who is God: Genesis 1.20-23

The Sun has set for the first time on day four. For the first time the earth is being lite by the moon and the sky is full of stars. Imagine what that must have looked like; no electric lights, not even a single fire, no pollution, just absolute darkness, and the clearest sky with every star visible. At this point there is light and darkness, sea and sky, land and plants, now heavenly bodies, but the earth has no life aside from vegetation. The only noise would be the sound of waves crashing on the shore, or the wind blowing in the trees. Honestly, that sounds pretty awesome, I'm not going to lie, but God had much more in mind.

When the sun rose next next morning, God went back to work, and for the first time a animate being is able to move. God fills the sea with life. Fish, sharks, whales, dolphins, sea stars, crabs, lobsters, and clams. All the sea creatures we know about, and all those we don't, all the ones we have fossils of, and those we have no idea ever existed. The waters are alive.

God is not done, next He fills the sky. He makes the eagle and the sparrow, the owl and the raven, the hawk and the song bird, I'm guessing turkeys and chickens come into play on this day too. And I'm willing to say that the flying dinosaurs were made on day five. Those things were real; the Natural History Museum recently hosted a traveling exhibit that featured different exhibits for these creatures, they even had a flight simulator where you could fly as a pterosaur, my girls loved it and by the end they got pretty good. One of my brothers wanted to take his wife to the Art Museum which is across from the Natural History Museum, and so they came up and went to the museum with my girls and me. As we walked through this exhibit, looking at the fossilized remains of these amazing creatures he asked me, "Old Testament guy, where does this fit in?", my answer, "Day five." I don't know how the dinosaurs died out, or when, honestly I don't care. I think their fossilized remains are amazing, and they constantly fascinate me, and I can say with certainty that they existed and God made them. Those that swam in the seas and those that soared above the earth came into existence on day five at the word of God.

God is a god of life, and life that goes beyond the complexity of plants. He creates fish with the ability to swim and breath underwater; He creates birds that can defy gravity, soaring through the air. When the sun set on day five it was to the sound of song birds and whales singing. Life was no accident, it was not the result of a complex evolutionary process taking millions of years, but the instantaneous and intentional creation of the word of God.

Let us marvel at what God has made. Let us be in awe of a the Creator who designed gills to breath in water, and wings to lift a bird off the ground. May we simply take in the reality of what God has done, and be amazed by what He can do. And the reality is, He was only getting started...

Fight the lion, 1 Peter 5.1-11


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