Friday, November 30, 2018

Who is God: Genesis 1.28-31

God makes man in His image, but doesn't set them on the earth to figure out what to do, or to fend for themselves. He gives man a task, a mission, a good work to do.

Be fruitful and multiple- create families and communities. God created man to exist in relationship, not simply with Him and with creation, but with each other. People were made to have relationships with other people. God is a relational God who exists in community as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; man is made in the image and likeness of a communal God. It is hardwired into who we are as human beings that we need relational community.

Fill the earth and subdue it- explore this wondrous creation I have given you. God created man for adventure, not simply to sit tight and exist, but to embrace the risks and challenges that are in the world. The command is to conquer creation, to see a challenge and overcome it, to look at danger and face it with boldness.

God calls us to community and adventure, love and courage. He made us specifically for these things, and they are written into our souls. We crave adventure, we desperately long for relationships. That is how God made us.

The second part of this is that God didn't just crate man and give him instructions, but He also provides for the physical needs. He gives humanity men and women, establishing the grounds for family, and creating the means for the earth to be filled and community to grow. He gives man the world, full of mountains and rivers, jungles and deserts, and says you are free to explore all of this, it's for you. And then He says, every plant that bears fruit will sustain you. Food was readily available, and man was free to enjoy it. God provided everything man could ever need.

God creates man for a specific purpose, with a specific charge, and needs that are good.

God provides everything that man needs, taking care of every aspect, and making sure that nothing is lacking.

As people, let us embrace who God created us to be. Let us live in relationships, having meaningful community. Let us adventure, coming fully alive as we explore the amazing world God has given us. Let us thank Him for providing for the needs we have.

Fight the lion, 1 Peter 5.1-11


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