Friday, November 16, 2018

Who is God: Genesis 1.6-8

I'll be honest, I had to google this one. Initially reading it, I was like what's unique about the creation of the sky? What does this tell me about who God is? So I took to the internet and ended up just typing in "creation day 2" and one of the first thing that came up was a site containing different children's lessons on the Bible.

Children's pastors don't get enough credit. The first church staff job I was at as the youth pastor, and I shared an office with the children's pastor (still the best office buddy I've ever had, and sorry about that one prank I pulled on you, well, sorry I wasn't there to see your reaction). Anyway, I was drafted into helping out with the children's ministry from time to time, even got to teach once or twice, and those were some of the most challenging lessons to write. I swear children's pastors are some of the smartest people in the world, they take these theological concepts and make them comprehensible to young people. Great job to all of you, and so much respect.

Anyway, on day 2, God created the sky, but the significance is that God created the atmosphere. He created the protective barrier from the cold vacuum of space. He created an environment that was oxygen rich. He created an atmosphere that would sustain life on earth.

I hadn't thought about it this way until a couple of hours ago. Realizing that God did so much more than simply making the sky on day 2 makes me see that God is much more complex than we initially realized. Not that making the sky is a simple task, I mean I could never accomplish that, but God was up to so much more than just that.

God is infinitely complex, let us never make the mistake of thinking we have Him all figured out. I have read the creation story countless times, but until early this morning I had never thought about the fact of what that meant. As humans, who haven't existed as long as the sky, let alone God who made it and us, let us never make the mistake of arrogance, thinking we have God all figured out. Let us never stop pursuing a deeper understanding and intimacy with Him. Let us never stop seeking to learn who He is. In this life, probably even in eternity, we'll never know everything.

Fight the lion, 1 Peter 5.1-11


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