Monday, November 19, 2018

Who is God: Genesis 1.9-13

Something that may not be known about me is that I love to garden. I got into gardening about 8 years ago, and over that time my dreams have grown to be pretty extensive. I hate decorative landscaping. Don't get me wrong, I think some people have absolutely amazing yards, but I've decided that if I'm going to put that much work into something, it's going to feed me, thus I'm a huge fan of edible landscaping. I began to realize the extent of stuff you can grow in Ohio, and then I began to realize the variety of each type of plant. A little bit of research and planning, and I've maximized my harvest and extended it by months in a few instances. Yeah, I'm pretty into plants.

Each of us is unique with specific interests, and because of this different things stand out to us. A few years ago when I read Genesis 1 the thing that stood out to me was verse 11, "Then God said, 'Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees on the earth bearing fruit after their kind with seed in them'; and it was so."

Day 3 of creation God gathers the water below the heavens into a single place, then He creates land. Once the land is there God fills it with plants and the text specifies that these plants would yield seeds. God creates an ongoing cycle of life. He does not simply create plants to fill the earth, but creates plants that are capable of producing more plants, and those plants will be able to produce more plants, and so on. God has created an unending cycle of life. God is a god of life.

Years ago I heard a question, how many apples are in an apple seed? An apple seed contains the potential for an apple tree, and over the decades that tree can produce countless apples, each one with seeds that have the potential to become a tree and produce more apples with more seeds leading to more trees. You get the idea, an apple seed contains countless apples.

God is a life giver, and as such He created a cycle that produces greater and grater life. Because God gives life, we need to be life givers as well. What kind of seeds are you producing? Do you produce seeds that produce healthy trees resulting in healthy fruit that bring further production? Or do you destroy life? Do your words and actions tear others down or build others up?

God is a life giver, let us be life givers as well.

Fight the lion, 1 Peter 5.1-11


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