Friday, December 14, 2018

Who is God: Genesis 2.9

God has planted a garden for man, and in the middle of garden are two specific trees. Out of every other plant in the world, these two trees stand out as unique. One is the tree of life, and the other is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (and no it most likely wasn't an apple tree). God has given man every plant bearing fruit to sustain him, and has set these two trees apart to give man a choice as to who will reign over his life. God gives man choice, because wants humanity to choose to love Him. If there is not the option of something else, real love is not possible, and God, who is love according to the New Testament, creates us with the ability to love. Love means choice, and God gave man the ability to choose.

God took a risk, a big risk, when He created these two trees. He gave man the ability to reject Him, to choose something other than Him, but with that came the chance for man to choose to deeply love Him. God is not insecure, where rejection shakes Him to His core and He's unable to function if humanity says no, which of course it did, but God didn't create us to be robots or slaves who had no choice but to serve Him.

In this there are two things for us to take. First, let us choose to love God. Life was made by God, and it only works properly with God, that's just the reality of it. Man was made to live in a deep and personal relationship with God, and when we choose not to do that we are left to search for fulfillment in other areas of creation, but no part of creation can fulfill the longing for the Creator.

The second thing to take from this is that we are made in the image of a risk taking God. Let us also boldly take risks. Don't play it safe, because playing it safe doesn't bring satisfaction. You may fail epicly, but you may succeed even more greatly; you won't know unless you take the risk.

She could say yes, if she says no you won't die.

You could get that job, if you don't there are other options.

What are you afraid of? Why are you afraid? I'm not saying recklessly go after things so that you end up in financial ruin, but be willing to go after your dreams, plan and prepare, but then go for it, don't just dream.

God took a risk when He gave us the ability to choose. Not only do we choose to love Him back, but we also choose to risk or play it safe.

Fight the lion, 1 Peter 5.1-11


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