Monday, December 31, 2018

Who is God: Genesis 3.8-9

Than man and woman have disobeyed God, and everything is different. They know it, and then they hear the sound of God walking in the garden. This had to be a regular occurrence for them to recognize the sound of His footsteps. They existed in a perfect relationship with God, and they probably walked with Him each day, enjoying His presence is a way that no other human being has since this tragic event.

God desires fellowship with humanity. He knew they had sinned, and He knew everything was now going to be different, His plans were now changed, and yet He still comes to meet with man. When people hurt us, do something against our wishes, our initial reaction is not to go and fellowship with them. Personally, I get sick of people and when people hurt me I don't want to be around them. My human reaction is to say forget it, they aren't worth my time, and just ignore it, never dealing with it, and try to move on without dealing with it. Worst case scenario you try to get even, and I'll admit my mind goes there, but I've grown and matured beyond the point of personal vengeance, so that's a step in the right direction.

Vengeance and ignoring the circumstances destroy community and relationships, fortunately God does not stoop to that level. God does not cast man aside, rejecting him for his disobedience, He comes to meet with them just as He always does. God does not smite these disobedient people, but calls for them, seeking them out, and inviting them to speak with Him. That is who God is, a god of community and relationship.

Let us seek to imitate God in this way. Let us always pursue community, even with those who disappoint us. Let us always pursue relationships, never seeking to get even for wrongs committed against us.

Fight the lion, 1 Peter 5.1-11


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