Monday, February 11, 2019

Who is God: Genesis 4

Genesis 4 focuses on the nature of man's post fall relationship with God. Two sons are born, the first births, and they both present offerings to God. One has his offering accepted, while the other burns with anger as his is rejected. In that anger God warns him about the nature of sin, and danger of opening himself up to it, but he turns to murder, and is sentenced to live as a wanderer.

He goes out from the presence of God and lives life as he chooses. The line of descendants that follows does not follow God, or acknowledge Him outside of selfish need. Then we read about a third birth, another son, and the line from this son begins to seek God.

God must be pursued. He will not be taken in by simple gestures that do not offer all of us at our best. He will not force us to follow and serve Him, but offers a life of intimacy with Him that is available if we are willing to call on His name.

Sin desires to consume us, God desires intimacy with us. One will destroy us, taking everything we have, and the other will demand everything of us, but return abundantly more than what it may cost. Will we be ruled by sin or surrender to God? Will we pursue God or be consumed by sin?

Fight the lion, 1 Peter 5.1-11


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