Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Who is God: Genesis 5

Genesis 4 ends with the introduction of the line of Adam that would eventually lead to Jesus. Genesis 5 shows that line, hitting the highlights, but not every member which is why Biblical genealogies don't work to date the age of the earth. Genesis 5 restates that God both made man, and that He made man in His image. Genesis 4 showed that there were those who did not walk with God, rejecting Him, and living outside of His presence. But there were those who chose to call on the name of God, seeking Him, and walking with Him.

God desires an intimate walk with man; He made man for this specific purpose. However, He does not force man to walk with Him. He allowed Cain to leave His presence, but when man has desired to call upon Him, He has answered. The level of intimacy we have with God depends on what level of intimacy we want with God. Enter Enoch, a man who lived 365 years, and walked with God so closely that He simply was taken by God.

God will let us leave if that is what we choose, or He will walk so closely with us that we lose ourselves in Him. God wants deep intimacy with each of us, but He will not force us. He pursues us, and invites us to pursue Him; He wants to walk with us, but never makes us join Him.

What type of relationship do you want with God? Do you want the walk of Cain, who went out from the presence of God? Do you want the walk of Lamech, who misunderstood what God does? Or do you want the walk of Enoch, who walked so closely with God that God simply took him?

Fight the lion, 1 Peter 5.1-11


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