Monday, April 9, 2018

As We Wait for Glory

1 Peter 5.2 builds on the foundation of verse 1. Verse 1 establishes the audience as the leaders among the people, being addressed by a man who is far from perfect, but knows he has been redeemed, and is eagerly anticipating the full revelation of God's glory that is to come. From this, he begins to establish the work that needs to be done while humanity is waiting for the return of Christ. This work begins with the leaders.

Leaders, in spite of their past failures, are shepherd those whom God has entrusted to them. They are to take their own experiences of failure, and learn from them, passing on the lessons they have learned, so that those who they instruct may grow beyond their failure (I took that phrasing from the latest Star Wars movie, I read the audio book, I fell asleep in the theater). A shepherd provides his flock with what they need to grow, and creates a safe environment for them to learn initially. He invests his time in those around him, knowing that he cannot reach everyone, so his focus is given to those God has placed under his care.

Because of the redemption God has bestowed upon him, it is a blessing to serve in leadership. A good leader is the first to realize and admit his own unworthiness for the position. If anything, a leader knows his failures better than anyone else, but at the same time, a good leader must realize that is a god of restoration and second chances, and no past is beyond His ability to redeem. A leader accepts the call out of gratitude, and obeys God because God has redeemed them.

Finally, the focus on the future revelation of God's glory keeps a leader grounded. A leader who is focused on worshiping God will not seek his own advancement, and will not abuse his position, but will eagerly seek serve others, pointing them to God, knowing that all glory belongs to Him. A redeemed leader will use his influence to point others to the Redeemer, not draw attention to himself.

A leaders actions are shaped by his attitude. The questions surrounding leadership center on the work of God, and a good leader does everything out of a desire to see God glorified. As we wait for glory, let us provide for and protect those we lead, humbly accept the call out of gratitude, and devote our time of service to bettering the lives of those we lead so that God may be more fully glorified.

Fight the lion, 1 Peter 5.1-11


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