Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Who is God: Genesis 3.10-13

God is in the garden, searching for the man and woman. They didn't meet him at their usual spot, and so God goes looking for them. He immediately knows something is off, but He doesn't start accusing, He is direct, asking what has happened, and allowing them to confess. Both of them deny any responsibility, but God keeps asking until He gets to the root of the issue.

In these few verses we see a few things about God. First, God does not jump to accusations, He asks, giving people dignity and allowing them to own up to what they have done. God, even though He knows what has happened, does not start accusing, He allows people to confess.

Second, God is direct. He doesn't beat around the bush, but gets to the point. The man says he hid because he was afraid because he was naked, God asks who told him this, and then asks if he ate from the tree. When he says he did, even though he doesn't fully own it, God moves on to the woman, again asking, but asking directly.

Third, God gets to the bottom of the issue. God doesn't simply take the first answer He gets and start dealing out judgment, He hears all sides, and gets to the root cause. He asks the man who points to the woman. He asks the woman who points to the snake. God hears all sides, then He deals with the problem.

In all of this, we see that God is just. God listens, He is direct, and He deals with all those involved. God is just, and this will be seen more clearly in the next few verses...

Fight the lion, 1 Peter 5.1-11


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