Monday, January 7, 2019

Who is God: Genesis 3.20-21

Man has sinned, God has passed judgment, and now He does what only He can do. When the Adam and Eve realized they were naked and felt shame for the first time they made coverings for themselves out of fig leaves. They made a human effort to deal with their sin, but as all human efforts it falls short. They picked leaves and sewed them together, making rough coverings for themselves, the issue is that these clothes wouldn't last. As soon as a leaf is picked from the tree it begins to die. Cut off from it's source of life it begins to wither, dry out, and will crumble. The efforts of man are insufficient, and God knows this. Because of His love for man, He does something about it.

God covers Adam and Eve with garments made from animal skin, clothing that will last, and clothing that cost the lives of animals. Sin brings death, man should have died that day, but instead his shame was covered by the skin of animals that died in his place. God does for man what man could not do for himself, and He puts in place His plan of restoration.

God is just, but God is merciful as well. He does not overlook sin and let it go unpunished. He deals with disobedience in a way that is just, in a way that sin must be dealt with. And at the same time He shows mercy, giving man the opportunity to be redeemed and live in a restored relationship with Him. God desires relationship with man, and He is constantly working to bring full restoration of that relationship.

Let us live in humility towards God's restoration. Let us realize that our feeble efforts will do nothing to bring us lasting or satisfying healing. Let us live in submission to God's justice, and rejoice in the mercy He shows.

Fight the lion, 1 Peter 5.1-11


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