Monday, January 28, 2019

Who is God: Genesis 4.1-5

Time has passed since Adam and Eve were banished from the garden; we don't know how much time, and that's ok because that isn't the point of the text. Adam and Eve have entered a new stage of life, the stage of parenthood. They have two boys, boys who are different from each other, unique in their interests and outlooks. The oldest, Cain, takes care of plants, while his brother, Able, raises animals.

As time passes, both of them present an offering to God, Cain brings some of the crops he has grown, while Able brings part of the firstlings of his flocks. God rejects Cain's offering and accepts Able's. This is not a case of Cain needing to bring an animal sacrifice to God, there were several sacrifices under the law that called for plant based offerings. The issue is the nature of the offering. The text says that Cain brought an offering of the fruits of the ground, while Able's gift is specified to be from the firstlings of his flocks, and the best parts of the animal. Cain brings an offering, Able brings the best He can, and that is why God responds as He does.

God accepts the best we have to offer, and rejects everything else. When we offer anything to God, be it our time, abilities, or resources, what is the nature of what we offer? Do we give God intentional time, out of the best parts of the day, or the few spare minutes before we fall asleep? Do we give to God out of what we have earned, or only what is left over after everything else is taken care of? Do we give our service to God out of our strength, or only what is left over after we have pursued everything else? One of these God accepts, while the other He rejects.

God will not be an afterthought, allowing Himself to be fitted in to our lives when it is convenient, He is God, and accepts only the best we have to offer because it is what alone is worthy of Him. Let us seek to prioritize God, intentionally giving Him the best, not whatever we have laying around.

Fight the lion, 1 Peter 5.1-11


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