Monday, June 4, 2018

Live Humbly

1 Peter 5.7 marks the end of the second theme of 1 Peter 5.1-11. Living humbly is an essential quality because it enables us to worshipfully approach God, and exist in society with others. The key element to humility is having a proper view of God, others, and self.

When it comes to God, we must see Him as both all powerful Creator and Ruler of the Universe, and everything that exists outside of our universe, but also as the perfect, loving, Father. As Creator and Ruler, God is to be worshiped and obeyed; He spoke, and out of His words came everything that exists. God is mighty, God is Holy, God is to be obeyed and worship because He is God. We are not God, we are finite, created, sinful humans who were created to be loved by God, and we to approach Him with worship because He is God.

At the same time, God is the perfect, loving, Father. We are His children, created to fellowship with Him. God loves to bless us, and has great things in store for us. We must never lose sight of the fact that God is not simply Ruler on high, but loving Father who invites us to call Him "Daddy" and share the dreams, fears, and stress of our hearts with Him.

The one who lives humbly gives God the honor and obedience He is worthy of, and enjoys an intimate relationship with Him.

When it comes to others, we must see people as those needing us, and those we need. There are those who are more experienced than us who have so much to offer from their lives, we must take the time to learn from them. One of the greatest losses is when we fail to learn from our elders. We must be humble enough to sit at their feet and listen, giving our time to learn from them.

At the same time, we must be a blessing to others. God gives us the gifts and resources that we have in order to use them to make the world better. We must daily look for ways to serve others, and bless them with what God has blessed us with. We are blessed to be a blessing, and it is only when we live humbly that we can truly bless those we come in contact with.

The one who lives humbly is discipled and blesses others, learning and serving those they live in community with.

Finally, living humbly means that we have a healthy view of ourselves. Living humbly does not mean you become doormat that the rest of the world cleans their shoes on. It does not mean that you constantly bless others and refuse to let others be a blessing to you. It does that mean that God a tyrant you serve in order to appease Him.

Living humbly means that you see yourself as a beloved child of God, and a valuable member of the community who has so much to offer, and is worth being loved and cared for. You have something to offer the world, and you are worth being loved. You are deeply loved by God.

The one who lives humbly offers what they have, accepts what people offer, and lives with in the reality that God cares for them.

Living humbly is a healthy view of self, a proper view of others, and worshipful view of God.

Live humbly.

Fight the lion, 1 Peter 5.1-11


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