Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Content Submission

John answered and said, "A man can receive nothing unless it has been given him from heaven.... He must increase, but I must decrease." -John 3.27, 30

As Jesus began His public ministry, John the Baptist began to lose his following. His disciples were concerned by sudden decrease of John's popularity, but John points out that a man can receive nothing that heaven does not give. John knew his place, he was the messenger sent to prepare the way for the Messiah. Now that Christ is on the scene, John's mission has been accomplished. He never sought his own advancement, when asked if he was the Messiah, he clearly declared that he was not. Now that Jesus is working towards His mission, John is content to step back, allowing Christ to take center stage. He tells his followers that Christ must increase while he must decrease. John knew that his purpose had been accomplished, he had fulfilled his mission, and was content to watch Christ take those who had followed him.

The point of all of this is Christ, and advancing Him. Life is given to us in order to glorify God, not to advance ourselves, but to advance His kingdom. Every gift we have, every dollar we make, every degree we earn, is a gift from heaven, and is meant to be used to glorify God and advance His kingdom here on earth.

Everything you have is a gift from heaven, something of God's that He has entrusted to you, how are you using it? Who are you advancing? Is your life seeking to make much of you or of Jesus? Is your mindset on personal advancement at any cost, or on content submission to the will of God?

I feel like this title/statement needs some clarification. Content submission does not mean inactive laziness. Content submission does not mean idle time wasting. Content submission is being satisfied with what God has entrusted to you and working diligently where you are for Him. To be contently submissive means that wherever God has placed me, I am going to look for how I can glorify Him. It means I am going to always look for more ways to serve Him, and look for the opportunities that He is opening for me. It is not sitting and waiting for life to happen because their is nothing we can do, but living fully alive and being grateful for what God has given. Content submission is not an excuse for inaction, but rather freedom to live where we are.

Let the focus be on living fully for God, submitting to His will, and advancing His kingdom.


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