Monday, January 22, 2018

Surrendering Someday

The reality of what I had just written is a bit difficult to admit, but that is the way I used to think. My entire life I have had responsibility and obligation thrust on me, and as a result, it's hard for me to relax. I always feel like there is something I need to be doing. I always feel like I don't have time for things I enjoy. But in that moment, sitting by the lake, God had me simply sit there, and take in my surroundings. I sat on that bench for an hour and a half, taking in the calm, and just soaking up the moment. Then I got up, started walking, and climbed the hill I didn't want to climb.

Once I was back on the trail I had originally been traveling, I made my way to a familiar spot; a place I've visited a lot over the past several years. It's a spot I've visited when I've had a big decision to make, and it seemed fitting that I visit this spot during this quest. When I got there I began by asking some questions. The day was beginning to drag on, and the original plan was to stay until the following morning. I was contemplating where I should stick to the original plan or cut it short by about 12 hours. I was really starting to feel the hunger at this point. I hadn't eaten in almost 24 hours, which isn't a big deal, but then you factor in that I walked over 15 miles and took nearly 41,000 steps that day, and my energy was draining.

As I contemplated what to do in the coming hours, I also began to reflect on what I had realized from earlier in the day.

My life had been spent living for Someday and wasting the time and opportunities of today. At the same time I was waiting for Someday, and sacrificing the moment. I felt a sense of entitlement to Someday because of the work I was putting in and the things I was sacrificing for the future.

As I sat in this familiar spot I began to write down what I knew I needed to do next:

Surrendering Someday 8/26/16

Proverbs 3.1-12

Don't forsake teaching, let your heart keep my commandments -

length of days
years of life

Bind steadfast love and faithfulness around your neck write them on your heart -

(Your defining characteristics)

Favor and good success with God and man

Trust God, not you
Look to Him and He will guide you.

Stay humble
Stay righteous

Healing and rest

Serve with your your wealth
God will take care of you.

Accept His discipline and correction-

Love for your benefit


Fight the lion, 1 Peter 5.1-11


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